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Sryth Lore:   Gleemroth of the Isles 

Learn more in the Tome of Lore...

     October 22nd
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Night Whisperers

This fearsome brotherhood of thieves is thought to exist in many towns and cities across the North Broadlands . It has long been known that the city of Ravenlith in the Kingdom of Ryorsial (to the east of Tysa , is the origin and base of operations for this vile organization.

The name 'Night Whisperers' comes from the long-standing tradition where the guild's assassins whisper into the ears of their victims -- either just before killing them or while they lie dying.

The Night Whisperers is a highly secretive organization. No member of the brotherhood ever communicates, or even knows anything about, any higher station within the guild.

At the highest stations within the guild, face-to-face meetings are rare, and in most cases forbidden. Members of this elite tier communicate through a series of complex codes, sometimes written, and other times less obvious. These codes and messages are either left where their intended recipient will discover them, or they are delivered by a liaison who knows nothing about the business being discussed.

At one time the organization employed a band of highly-skilled woodsmen and warriors known as the Blackguard . The Blackguard was considered the true "muscle" of the guild, and was often called upon to combat the brotherhood's enemies.

Jirig Ayroth , now better known by his moniker, 'The Troll Hunter' was once the leader of the Blackguard.

The Night Whisperers is a powerful and feared organization. Few are willing to speak openly against the group, lest they should suffer a grim reprisal for their insolence.

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