Sryth - Browser Based Fantasy Text RPG

Sryth Lore:   Beldarrath of Nightgrove 

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     February 8th
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Recent Events in Sryth   [Refresh]

Several adventurers have reported seeing an interesting statue in Trithik.
A glowing wagon, drawn by invisible horses, was spotted in Stormfield...
A handful of adventurers have reported seeing an intriguing statue in Durnsig.
Stephanie killed Crimson-Helmed Rider in 14 rounds...
Stephanie was spotted arriving at The Longspur Downs.
An adventurer has reported seeing an interesting statue in Talinus.
A glowing wagon, drawn by invisible horses, was spotted in Iron Crown Isle...
An adventurer has reported encountering an interesting statue in Dragonwrath.
A glowing wagon, drawn by invisible horses, was seen leaving Westwold...
A handful of adventurers have reported encountering an interesting statue in The Battlegrounds.
A glowing wagon, drawn by invisible horses, was spotted in Westwold...
A handful of adventurers have reported seeing an interesting statue in Phak-Rur.
A glowing wagon, drawn by invisible horses, was spotted in The Withering Wood...
A handful of adventurers have reported finding an interesting statue in Deepwell.
A glowing wagon, drawn by invisible horses, was spotted in Trollneck...
Several adventurers have reported finding an odd statue in Trithik.

  This section will update every 60 seconds.

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Our latest news was posted on 11/24.

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