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Full Access to ALL of Sryth
Sryth now spans a staggering 30,000+ playable game sections! It's one of the largest
and most detailed
text-based RPGs ever created.
Upgrade your account and enjoy...
Full access to all exclusive adventures ,
locations, events, and premium content.
Access to places like Zumryn's Battlegrounds ,
Fogbough Forest ,
Saarngard Isle ,
the city of Phak-Rur and countless others.
Access to special events like
the Hunt for the Phantom Assassin ,
special Holiday-themed adventures, the Festival of Blades Tournament of Arms, the Battlegrounds Archery Contests,
and many other events too numerous to count!
Access to the rewarding Proving Grounds adventures.
Access to exclusive replayable scenarios like The City of Tarn and The Hall of Ruin .
Access to special multiplayer/cooperative battle scenarios like The Ruins of Tarramyre ,
The Redwolf of Sageholt ,
The Return of Ildraria ,
and The Tar Beast, Ulgror .
Access to Tallys's Trading Post where a myriad of
the realm's best weapons and armour can be found.
Access to over 80 pre-generated characters, each with their own unique
skills, powers and equipment.
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A Special Limited-Time Bonus
Upgrade your account within 3 days of
its creation, and you'll be rewarded with the following bonus
for a character of your choice...
16 Adventurer Tokens
5,000 Gold
4,000 Experience
It's our way of saying thank you for supporting Sryth!
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More Characters
Adventurers Guild members can have up to 4 characters on their account.
All of your characters (current & future) have full access to all
the Adventurers Guild features and benefits.
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Exclusive Adventures Discover dozens of adventures and special scenarios
available exclusively to Adventurers Guild members, including the epic
Proving Grounds series.
Here are some of the many adventures that await you...7 Goblins, Part I: The Hills North and West 7 Goblins, Part II: The Tamer of Wolves 7 Goblins, Part III: Tarungar The Axe 7 Goblins, Part IV: An Unlikely Captive 7 Goblins, Part V: The Fence 7 Goblins, Part VI: The Search for Malmekko 7 Goblins, Part VII: The Altar of Malice A Band of Four A Book of Secrets A Braggart's Tale A Brief Encounter A Chance Encounter A Cold Winter's Night A Curse of Shadow A Dark Chapter Closes A Dark Prelude A Dilemma in Kirnwell A Dragon's Lair A Fateful Collision A Favour for Solundor A Fireside Encounter A Grim Proposal A Haunting in Durnsig A Helping Hand A Journey into 'The Murk' A Little Matter About an Orb A Lonely Light A Lonely Stretch of Road A Lurking Danger A Marked Champion A Matter of Secrecy A Meeting in The Twisted Gate A Message to Mirgspil A Midday Encounter A Midnight Visitor A Poaching in Northscarp A Present from Tallys A Prince Uncrowned A Ragged Band A Rattle Down Below A Rough Night in The Stoneback A Second Encounter A Secret Shared A Simple Enough Task A Trail of Death A Village Deserted A Village Enslaved A Wanted Man A Wayward Payment A Woodcutter's Tale A Wrinkle Across a Crowded Room All's Well that Ends... An Agent in Black An Arrival An Arrival Interrupted An Axe to Grind An Engine of War An Uncharted Cave An Unpleasant Encounter An Unwelcome Encroachment Attack on Ashlyre Back in Business Barbaric Beggar's Delve Blightroot Bones & Blades Bones and Dust Books and Bandits Bounty #1 Breaching the Deep Cloak of Nine Eyes Creeping Death Daggerspire Dawn in Hawklor Dead End Deadman's Dark Deep in the Forest Disorder in Millbend Dreaming in the Silver Shaft Dusk in Tryndmoor Eavesdropping Elluwen's Boot End of Your Rope First Mission for Millark Flamewielder Flight of The Elementalist Footsteps Fort Ironwind Four Days Outside The Hold From Above Garthrin The Great Giving Thanks Harkenryn Heir to The Flame Hisssss Into the Cellar Island Prowler Jiriwyd's Plunge Late One Afternoon Leaving Stonegap Lift the Box Lord of the Bronze Hall Lyrelock Monastery Marked Massacre at Eastfell Watch Mezaryl's Cellar Muldwurn Night of The Four Nine Days Later No Good Deed Goes Unpunished... Nollyr's Flight North Moss Cave North of the Village Nowhere to Run Off the Back of a Wagon On the Road to Hawklor One Sunny Morning One of Three Payment Due Piripor's Request Redwarren Rendezvous With Death Rendezvous at The Tunnel Revenge Rhaknar's 'Mad' Rise of the Frost Demon Rot-Claw Sleepless Night Snowy Dusk So We Meet Again Stormgait Terror from Below Terror in Greenmarsh The Ashen Faces The Bard's Lament The Beast of Ironfang The Black Philter The Blood Code The Blood of Zardruzin The Bog Giant The Brothers The Captive The Caves of Westwold The Chamber of Horrors The Cottage The Crumbling Tower The Dark of Riddlewood The Demonscourge, Part I: The Abandoned Mine The Demonscourge, Part II: The Unknown Halls The Demonscourge, Part III: Iakor's Maze The Dream of The Iron Skull The Dungeons of Saarngard The Emblazoned Key, Part I: The Curse of Blacktor The Emblazoned Key, Part II: The Lady of Fallentree The Emblazoned Key, Part III: Scavenger's Last Hunt The Eye That Binds The Faces in The Mirror The First of Three The Gallows The Ghost Ship The Giants of Gallowtop The Giants, Part I: A Solemn Decree The Giants, Part II: Stonesong The Giants, Part III: Wrath of The Giant The Green Giant The Harvest Festival The Horsemen The Hunted Man The Joust - Part 1 The Joust - Part 2 The Joust - Part 3 The Joust - Part 4 The Joust - Part 5 The Joust - Part 6 The Joust - Part 7 The Killing Hand of Winter The Last Trek Out The Lists of Talwarden The Man in The Leather Hat The Merchant of Bones The Missing Hilt The Missing Miners The Mission Begins The Mossy Hillside The Old Cathedral The Outpost The Plague of Ashlyre The Prisoner of Thal-Breyek The Rat Den The Razing of Kolnia The Return of Ironfist The Ring of Black Stones The Road Out of Redglen The Savage Wild The Scourge of Ebbmark The Second of Three The Secret of Stoneback Hill The Seven Spheres The Shattered Skull Part I: Hurenon The Shattered Skull Part II: Spikefist The Mighty The Shattered Skull Part III: Blade Square The Shattered Skull Part IV: A Thief in The Night The Shattered Skull Part V: The Ghosts of Palemoor Isle The Shimmering Spring The Silver Crest Reborn The Stolen Journal The Swindler's Den The Temple at Fallen Oaks The Thane's Tournament of Arms The Third Fang The Third of Three The Trail of The Hawk The Tunnels of Peril The Twin Blades The Wagon The Wand The Wand, Part II The Wayward Wagons The Winds of Mount Stonejaw The Wounded Horseman The Writ of Umdurol The Yeltham Crew Three Scrolls Three Words To Saarngard Top of the Hill Tribwin's Trouble Trouble in Werrit Ugguro's Trail Underfoot Waylayers What Lurks Beneath Whisperers Whitebeard Zirigil's Path Proving Grounds: Raid on Quaris-Taen Proving Grounds: The Perilous Streets Proving Grounds: Shadow Over Stonegate Proving Grounds: The Troll Hunter Proving Grounds: The Silver Crest Proving Grounds: The Alder Throne ...and many more! 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Valuable Bonuses & Rewards
The bonuses and rewards listed below are available to you as an
Adventurers Guild member...
The Dragonclaw Amulet - a grand artifact that increases your Melee Rating and Stamina Points.
Goblindoom - an enchanted longsword that adds 10 points to your Melee Rating and has special bonuses against
Adventurer's Ring - a magical ring that increases
your Melee Rating and Stamina Points.
Experience, Gold & Adventurer Tokens - Each of your characters will receive a generous
bonus that includes Experience , Gold ,
and Adventurer Tokens .
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The Best Items & Equipment
The rarest and most powerful items (weapons, armour, and more) are exclusively
available to Adventurers Guild members.
Items like the legendary Quickstones ,
The Finger of Dread, The Bowl of Blood, The Wand of Dragonfire, The Wanderer's Bell
& more become powerful additions to your adventuring arsenal.
You'll also have access to
Tallys's Trading Post , where a myriad of
magical weapons and armour can be found.
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A Place to Call Home
Adventurers Guild members can acquire magnificent
residences (castles, keeps, towers) from Faradmyn the estate merchant in
These customizable grand residences offer rapid travel throughout the realms (by way
of your own private coach), and the ability to store hundreds of items in safekeeping.
There are also special adventures and encounters that take place in these
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