Sryth - Browser Based Fantasy Text RPG

Sryth Lore:   Thorn Isle 

Learn more in the Tome of Lore...

     October 14th
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Tarungar The Axe

The fearsome mountain goblin war chief known as Tarungar The Axe has achieved near-legendary status for his many bold and cruel incursions into the realm of man. Though not a large goblin by any measure, the deceptively-strong master of the axe has long overseen a large horde of his vile kin, and won several remarkable victories over substantial human forces.

Over the past decade, sightings of the feared goblin chief and his vicious minions have been few and far between, and have occurred mostly on the outlying fringes of the kingdom .

It has long been believed that Tarungar and his brother, the equally-cruel Zaramog , have a particular thirst for vengeance against Thane Pyrond of Trithik. Pyrond is thought to have slain their father, the legendary Ogrothok , back when he was a Tysian army scout patrolling the kingdom's western frontier.

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