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     October 22nd
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Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry


Redleg is the only known name of a notorious brigand whose rugged band of highwaymen long plagued travelers making their way along the ancient roads passing between the kingdoms of Tysa and Ryorsial .

Ryorsilian by birth, Redleg is said to have achieved leadership of the outlaw band he has led for nearly two decades by murdering its former chief. It is believed he is a strict disciplinarian, whose brutal tactics have earned him both the fear and respect of those he commands.

A heavy, imposing figure, Redleg is rumoured to possess incredible physical strength and endurance, though it is surmised that now, in the later years of his life, such capacities are likely diminished.

Though fond of wearing the colour red, it's believed that the bandit chief's odd moniker comes from a long scar said to run the length of his right leg.

With several sizable bounties having been placed on him in both Tysa and Ryorsial, Redleg and his most loyal compatriots are believed to have take refuge somewhere in the vast and unforgiving upper reaches of the Alspuin Mountains .

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