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Sryth Lore:   Wind Warrior 

Learn more in the Tome of Lore...

     October 22nd
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry


You can obtain a magnificent quickstone by visiting Rixbin. You can find his shop by exploring the buildings that flank Blade Square in Trithik.

These stones appear to be little more than round, smooth, red, coin-sized rocks. In reality, they are powerful magical instruments, crafted long ago by a powerful, Ryorsilian mage known as Hurenon.

Hurenon crafted a number of these powerful stones, imbuing each of them with potent magic that would benefit the person who carried it.

Quickstones possess the following known abilities:

  • Quick Combat Resolution
    A quickstone will allow its holder to quickly resolve most combats by rapidly completing the battle (with a single click of the mouse). The battle will be automatically completed using standard 'normal' melee attacks. Some special combat situations cannot be resolved in this manner, though the vast majority of combats can.
  • 10% Daily Experience Bonus
    A quickstone records a tally of a character's daily Experience earnings (and can remember 90 days' worth). It then bestows an Experience Bonus on its holder (10% of each day's tally) when requested. The daily experience that it tallies includes general as well as skill and power specific experience. The Experience Bonus that it bestows is in the form General Experience. Please Note: As soon as you acquire a quickstone, it will be able to pay you an experience bonus based on your last 90 days of Experience!
  • Full Heal Twice per Day
    Twice every "real world day", a quickstone can be called upon in combat to provide a full heal.
  • AutoRest
    A quickstone will automatically restore Stamina Point and Nevernal Reserve totals to full when its holder enters a game section that's marked SAFE.
  • Improved Random Treasure Drops
    Any adventurer possessing a quickstone will notice an improvement in quality of the random "treasure drops" that occur in different spots. How this strange quickstone ability functions boggles the minds of even the most illustrious of arcanists...
  • Unknown Powers
    There are many who have claimed that quickstones exhibit a strange array of fascinating powers from time to time, above and beyond the three that are commonly ascribed to them (the three detailed above).

Hurenon is said to have been sorry that he crafted these stones, as they have been the cause of much controversy (including murder) over the many years since their creation.

Despite his misgivings, should you have the opportunity to acquire one, you should not delay!

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