The Tome of Lore: Table of Contents
Sryth™ Expanded Info EntryIldraria
For the better part of two centuries, the great
dusk dragon , Ildraria,
remained an unpleasant fixture in her secluded lair
deep in the Copper Woods of northern
Thanevale .
Ildraria, who is said to possess powerful magical
abilities in addition to her fearsome fiery breath,
held great sway over a vast army of the enemies of
man -- goblins, trolls, and ogres -- and sought to
use this formidable force to expand her grim domain.
However, as the Kingdom of Tysa grew in
power and the realm of men pressed upon her borders,
the great dragon suddenly (and quite inexplicably)
withdrew into seclusion in her forest lair, and her minions
receded into the shadows.
Nearly a century ago, Ildraria disappeared from her
ancient abode, and it was believed that she had departed
the Kingdom forever...
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