The Tome of Lore: Table of Contents
Sryth™ Expanded Info EntryThe Hand of Fate
For better or worse, fate (some choose to call it destiny) plays an important,
though often overlooked, role in the life of an adventurer. Sometimes, even
the most innocuous events (and an adventurer's choices regarding them) can
help to shape destiny by ever-so-slightly guiding the hand of fate.
At various times in your adventures you may encounter the following message:
A fateful decision...
Inexplicably, you feel that in some imperceptible way your destiny is linked
to the choice you're about to make.
The above message indicates a marked choice -- it's a choice that your character is about
to make that will in some
way somehow affect him or her at some point in the future.
It should be noted when making these marked choices that there are not any correct or
incorrect selections. Each marked choice your character makes will have an effect on his or
her fate somewhere along the line.
The selections you make when faced with marked choices won't negatively affect your
character in any way, though your selections are likely to impact your character
moving forward, often in unexpected ways.
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