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Sryth Lore:   Outer Markers 

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     February 8th
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Elekin's Stag

This mythical beast, commonly referred to as the 'Great Stag', is said to have roamed the forests of Tysa for over a thousand years. The creature is one thought to have been hunted by the legendary huntsman, Elekin .

Many have claimed to have seen Verip's Stag over the years, and though most consider these sightings to be nothing more than fabrications, the stories have all contained remarkable similarities.

The stag is described as an almost horse-sized creature, possessing a great rack of antlers stretching several feet in width, with a silver sheen about its torso.

Some of the accounts say that the ghostly spectre of a hunter, possibly that of Elekin himself, is often sighted near to the location in which the great stag was seen.

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