The Tome of Lore: Table of Contents
Sryth™ Expanded Info EntryArdrosyl the Silent
A greater demon of unimaginable power, Ardrosyl rules over a vast
Nevernal realm known as
the Black Reach.
Towering above his undead servants, the fearsome demon lord stands
just over twenty feet tall, with thick, bat-like wings that serve
to carry his foul bulk high into the poisonous skies of his
accursed kingdom. Three large, curved horns, each harder than stone,
protrude from the top of his ridged head.
Ardrosyl wields a flame-wreathed mace which is said to ravenously
consume any magic employed against its fearsome master.
As the legends tell it, in a battle that lasted nearly three days,
a band of adventurers (from Sryth) fought the demon lord and managed
to remove one of his four horns.
All but one of the adventurers were subsequently slain by Ardrosyl
and his minions, but the lone survivor of the battle returned to Sryth
with the demon's horn in his possession.
Ardrosyl's Horn was crafted into a magnificent sword -- a weapon that
the legends say is capable of dealing the demon lord a fatal blow.
Soon after its creation, the sword made out of Ardrosyl's Horn was lost.
Five hundred years later, beneath the ruins of an ancient
Aldvari temple, the sword was found in a trap-laden vault.
Tallys , who now owns the Horn, has always denied
that he was the one who found it.
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