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Cuyahoga Jones's  Sryth™ Adventurer Profile

Hailing from Parts Unknown, Cuyahoga Jones, the Lord of Squires Castle, has, by virtue of his indomitable spirit, become an adventurer of no small renown.

Possessing eighteen skills and versed in eleven magical disciplines , the blue-eyed, broad-shouldered, legendary unarmed combatant and legendary elementalist bears the well-earned reputation of a man of bold action and bravery -- someone who stands undaunted before dire peril and who's ever ready to seek out adventure.

Cuyahoga Jones is from the adventurer roster of cuyahoga.

Melee Rating: 2560 Stamina Points: 3033 Nevernal Reserve: 595

Agility:  20
Body:  20
Might:  20
Aura:  20
Mind:  20
Spirit:  20
Luck:  20

Skill Level Title
Arcana 100 Legendary Arcanist
Archery 100 Legendary Archer
Diplomacy 100 Legendary Envoy
Horsemanship 100 Legendary Horseman
Lore 100 Legendary Sage
Seamanship 100 Legendary Seafarer
Thievery 100 Legendary Rogue
Unarmed Combat 100 Legendary Unarmed Combatant
Weaponry 100 Legendary Warrior
Weaponry: Bashing 100 Legendary Smiter
Weaponry: Hacking 100 Legendary Axeman
Weaponry: Lances 100 Legendary Lancer
Weaponry: Polearms 100 Legendary Pikeman
Weaponry: Staves 100 Legendary Staff-wielder
Weaponry: Slashing 100 Legendary Swordsman
Weaponry: Stabbing 100 Legendary Bladesman
Weaponry: Troll-Bont 100 Legendary Warrior
Woodsmanship 100 Legendary Huntsman

Power Level Title
Conjuration 100 Legendary Conjurer
Destruction 100 Legendary Battlemage
Divination 100 Legendary Diviner
Elementalism 100 Legendary Elementalist
Fortification 100 Legendary Shieldwarden
Gating 100 Legendary Summoner
Illusion 100 Legendary Illusionist
Necromancy 100 Legendary Necromancer
Restoration 100 Legendary Healer
Shadow Magic 100 Legendary Shadowmage
Telekinesis 100 Legendary Telekineticist

Equipment in Use

Wielded Weapon:   Cuy's Renowned Machete
Armour (Torso):   Glittering Griffon Doublet
Armour (Head):   Cuy's Trademark Fedora
Armour (Shield):   Bastion Of The North Coast
Armour (Waist):   Frostbrand Belt
Armour (Arms):   Glittering Griffon Sleeves
Armour (Legs):   Glittering Griffon Greaves
Armour (Feet):   Phantom Frost Boots
Booty Boots
Armour (Hands):   Steelworker's Strong Grip
Fingerless Gloves
Armour (Rings):   Ring of Waking Hope
Kirylda's Serpent Ring
Ring of Sorrows
Ring of Bones
Zarabryg's Ring of Embers
Western Reserve Ring
Hangnail Of Heroism
Ring of Command (Iron)
Archer's Ring
Bloodstorm Ring (Fury)
Bloodstorm Ring (Wrath)
Winter Wolf Ring
Silver Arrow Ring
Armour (Neck):   Emerald Necklace Necklace
Shadowseeker's Totem
Leather Kerchief
Talisman of Midnight Frost
Silverfrost Amulet (VIII)
Vampiric Amulet
Crystal of Cadence
Wooden Arrow Amulet
Armour (Back):   Cloak Of Erie Fog
River Of Fire Cape
Collision Bend Robe
Vampire's Cloak
Armour (Tabard):   Glittering Griffon Tabard
Armour (Pendant):   The Golden Charm
Adventurer's Pendant
Holly Pendant
Arrowhead Pendant
Armour (Wrist):   Oakenstone Bracers (III)
Sensible Sturdy Wristwatch

Please Note: If this is your Adventurer Profile and it's missing any of its sections (skills, powers, equipped items) or seems otherwise incomplete, please be sure that you've recently saved your game.

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Adventurer Profile last updated:  7/24/2024 02:34 PM

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