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     February 8th
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry


The legendary warrior Zirigil -- his name an ancient Aldvari word that roughly translates to "Bearer of Grand Destiny" -- spent his relatively short life driving back the monstrous hordes that pressed the borders of the ever-expanding realm of man in the early years of the previous age.

Hailing from parts unknown, the master archer and swordsman pursued giants, goblins, trolls, and dragons all across the North Broadlands .

Perhaps the most famous of Zirigil's legends involves an iron scroll known as "Zirigil's Path". According to the legend, Zirigil, before his death, captured part of his spirit with the scroll -- an object which he left in the keeping of a secret brotherhood devoted to preserving his legacy.

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