Sryth - Browser Based Fantasy Text RPG

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     July 27th
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Sryth's bravest adventurers can be found in the Hall of Champions...

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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Stored Experience

When you acquire an Experience bonus that applies to ALL Skills/Powers, the Experience for any skills/powers you haven't yet acquired will be stored.

The ability to store and later apply Experience to skills/powers in this manner is a newly-added feature and will only work on Experience awarded on or after approximately 5 PM (Eastern Time) on 11/25/2015.

If you acquire the skills/powers for which you possess Stored Experience, you can apply the Experience by visiting the "windowless building with a blue door" in Hawklor, Talinus, or Trithik and selecting the "You Have Stored Experience" option.

Visiting this location will also display for you the total Experience that's been stored for each skill/power.

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Our latest news was posted on 7/3.

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