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Sryth Lore:   Silver Crest 

Learn more in the Tome of Lore...

     October 22nd
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Thane Quarith of Tysa

Thane Quarith, the eldest of Tysa's Five Thanes , has been tasked by King Wenreald with upholding law and order within the capital city of Talinus and the surrounding countryside.

Ryorsilian by birth, the Thane's family emigrated to Tysa when he was a small child and his father rose to prominence as a skilled horseman and field commander in the Tysian army. Following in his father's footsteps, Quarith also rose through the Tysian army ranks and was a commanding general during several of the great goblin wars that were waged in the Felrundin foothills .

The Thane is a cool and calculating man, and indeed there are many inside the court of King Wenreald who do not approve of his Thaneship. Some have even gone as far as to question his loyalty to the King. Despite such rumblings, King Wenreald maintains that Thane Quarith is a brave and loyal subject, who has time and again proven himself worthy of his lofty title.

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