Sryth - Browser Based Fantasy Text RPG

Sryth Lore:   Merzekk 

Learn more in the Tome of Lore...

     February 19th
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Stoneskin Fever

The slow-progressing, but horrific and ultimately deadly affliction known as Stoneskin Fever has long plagued all of Sryth, though it is most prevalent throughout the North Broadlands .

The "stone sweat" as it is sometimes referred to, usually begins with a mild fever, aches, and a nagging cough. It is slow to progress, but usually ends with the petrification of the skin of the afflicted -- and death.

A special mixture of several healing components, including lyoga root , has been used (with somewhat limited success) to cure those stricken with the fever.

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