Sryth - Browser Based Fantasy Text RPG

Sryth Lore:   Zaramog 

Learn more in the Tome of Lore...

     January 24th
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Shadow Magic

Shadow magic is a rare, but powerful Nevernal discipline involving the manipulation of, and communication with, shadows.

Wielders of shadow magic are often able to manipulate and utilize ordinary shadows for a variety of purposes. There are both combat and non-combat uses for shadow magic.

An experienced shadow mage may also be able to communicate with shadows -- though it is the shadows that speak with the mage -- and only of their own free will.

As shadows meld into other shadows, the power a shadow mage wields, either through manipulating them or gleaning information from them, grows immensely.

It is possible, for example, for a mage several miles from home to manipulate a connected series of shadows to directly affect things in the distant location. He could learn from listening to the shadows who has entered his home, or even perhaps cause an unlocked door so suddenly lock itself.

Shadow magic is not an officially-recognized magical discipline and there are indeed very few shadow mages to be found these days.

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