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     October 22nd
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry


The once-proud and powerful Kingdom of Ryorsial has recently been thrown into chaos following the murder of its ruling monarch, King Pilahn . The King had no suitable heir and upon his death, the kingdom's powerful barons all vied to seize control of the realm.

In the midst of the ensuing turmoil, King Pilahn's top advisor, a man named Norin Bregg stepped forth and assumed the post of Steward of Ryorsial, which he claims grants him the ability to govern the kingom until the rightful heir is discovered. Bregg currently governs the fractured nation from the King's Citadel in Sebaldin .

Sebaldin's three knightly orders have sworn allegiance to Norin Bregg, and have seen to it that Ryorsial's capital city is prepared to withstand any would-be assault from the kingdom's power-hungry barons.

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