Sryth - Browser Based Fantasy Text RPG

Sryth Lore:   Mount Maeth 

Learn more in the Tome of Lore...

     July 26th
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Rogbadden Thornstorm

The infamous (a select few would add 'vile') Rogbadden Thornstorm is the Lodge Master of Copper Hilt Lodge -- one of the oldest and last surviving ' Adventurers Guild Halls ' to be found anywhere in the North Broadlands .

Having earned a small fortune as the notorious boatswain of the 'Dragon Skinner', the infamous ship captained by the legendary Jodd Rolekst , Rogbadden retired from a life at sea and turned his penchant for savage brutality into a profitable turn as an adventurer.

Quick to anger, and easily provoked to violence, the diminutive Rogbadden (he stands barely over five feet tall), possesses strength uncommon for his size.

Under his leadership as Lodge Master, the Copper Hilt Lodge has earned a reputation (among adventurers) as a place brimming with the promise of adventure -- and the likelihood of a tooth-loosening brawl.

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