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Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Orvellyn the Cursed

The great mage Orvellyn, who lived and died nearly a thousand years ago, has long been considered one of the greatest spellcasters the world of Sryth has ever known. Though there are some who question a few of the more outlandish tales associated with the legendary mage, his litany of remarkable deeds is both long and storied.

During his final years, Orvellyn crafted dozens of gems into which he infused a special blend of his various magicks. Thus were born the fabled Gems of Orvellyn.

When the ship upon which Orvellyn was a passenger sank in a storm while attempting a perilous crossing of the ever treacherous Saarn Split , it was believed that his entire collection of gems (which he carried with him at all times) was forever lost in the dark depths of the Sundren Sea .

It has long been suspected that Orvellyn made the dangerous crossing in an effort to evade the murderous clutches of a powerful rival sorcerer.

It's believed that this rival sought to obtain the secrets of polymorphic magic, which Orvellyn had been investigating for many years.

Orvellyn earned the moniker 'cursed' due to a series of devastating setbacks he suffered during the later years of his life. Many believed (and still do) that the master mage was the victim of a curse bestowed upon him by a vengeful foe.

It's not surprising that most attribute the sinking of his ship, which resulted in his death, as an effect of the curse that plagued him.

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