The Tome of Lore: Table of Contents
Sryth™ Expanded Info EntryNaranok
For time uncounted, the isle had been home to two large and savage tribes
of trolls and goblins. the Kultaag and the Naranok, respectively. The names of these
two fearsome clans, both of ancient Aldvari origin, were given to them
by the Tysian soldiers who engaged them when Saarngard was first conquered --
five hundred years ago. Kultaag translates to "heart of rage" while Naranok most
readily translates to "blood seer".
The Kultaag (trolls) and the Naranok (goblins) had inhabited the isle and been
at war with one another since before the mighty cities of Tysa were even standing. The arrival
of human invaders, however, brought the two tribes into an uneasy but necessary
alliance, as they strove to push back the tide of humanity that threatened
to overrun and forever change the savage shores of Saarngard -- the only home they
had ever known.
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