The Tome of Lore: Table of Contents
Sryth™ Expanded Info EntryLeaf Spider
Feared throughout the ages, particularly in the southern reaches of
Sryth, where they were most common, the deadly leaf spider has long been
a fixture in the myth and folklore of various regions.
These small, grey and green arachnids, typically no bigger than a thumbnail,
resemble the waxy leaf of a plant
when viewed from above.
Despite its rather innocuous name, the leaf spider is among the most venomous
spiders found anywhere in Sryth.
The bite of a leaf spider (almost never felt) is said to cause the victim a few moments of
haziness, after which there will be no symptoms for several months. Six to
eight months after being bitten, victims will suddenly experience what is commonly
referred to as "last day shivers".
During these "shivers", the victim will feel unusually cold and will
shudder for several minutes. Sudden paralysis of respiratory muscles and subsequent
death by asphyxiation comes a few hours after the end of the
first and only shivering episode.
There is no known cure (magical or otherwise) for the condition caused by the deadly
bite of the leaf spider.
Fortunately, it is believed by many that sometime over the last century, the leaf
spider, as a species, died out.
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