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     October 22nd
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Crimson-Helmed Rider

This legendary (some would say mythical) figure is said to be the worldly embodiment of the long-departed warrior, Lurul-Kir, who many tales place at the side of the ancient hero Syr on many of his grandest adventures.

It is said that Crimson-Helmed Rider wears a deep red helm that covers nearly all of his head, and rides atop a fleshless, armoured horse. Those who believe in the Rider's legend say that he returns to the world of Sryth now and again, seeking to find the a champion that will follow in the footsteps of the great Syr .

Recently, sightings of a strange red-helmed figure have been reported from nearly every corner of the kingdom, though they always seem to occur in very desolate, remote locations, and none -- as far as anyone has heard -- have been substantiated.

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