Sryth - Browser Based Fantasy Text RPG

Sryth Lore:   Frostheart 

Learn more in the Tome of Lore...

     September 13th
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The Tome of Lore:  Table of Contents

Sryth™ Expanded Info Entry

Magical Brands

Much like a traditional brand, magical brands are enchanted insignia emblazoned upon objects and living creatures that serve to provide its host with the benefits of the magic with which the emblem is imbued.

Many magical brands are two dimensional, unicolour markings. Some, however, appear as raised emblems and are sometimes comprised of strange and unique materials.

Ice brands, for example, are composed of magical ice and appear slightly raised on the surface of whatever it is they have come to adorn. The ice that comprises an ice brand never melts.

Fire brands, as another example, are composed of magical fire that often continues to flicker and burn on the surface of whatever bears the brand. The fire that makes up a fire brand will never harm the object or creature to which it's affixed.

There are countless other forms of magical brands, each with their own unique properties.

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