Zarathrook Timebender

The undefinable entity known as Zarathrook, Lord of Zarathmor , is said to be the foul amalgamation of countless wicked souls lost across the fathomless expanse of realities known collectively as the Shadowfold .

Zarathrook, who knows no single, true form, most often appears as a massive red-shelled crab upon whose head is perched a small golden crown.

The Timebender, as he is also known, possesses the ability to warp and control time, using this power to maintain his tyrannical control over Zarathmor and its embattled denizens.

Despite his seeming omnipotence, both within his realm and beyond, Zarathrook has faced challenges to his cruel authority, most notably from a ragged band of renegade insectoids known as the 'Clawed Reach', and their allies.

Runeskin once attempted to conquer Zarathmor, but quickly found himself outmatched at every turn by Zarathrook, whose time-bending powers nearly trapped the immortal ogre in an inescapable Nevernal dimension.

It is believed that Zarathrook in incapable of leaving Zarathmor, as the fabric of his being is entwined with the bleak realm he so despotically rules.

Ancient Aldvari legends make mention of Zarathrook, most notably depicting him as a giant snail and referring to him as the "devourer of time".

On Zarathmor, Zarathrook is known to have taken the form of both a two-headed centipede and faceless metallic humanoid, in addition to his more common crab appearance.

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