Dream Conduit

The very concept of a 'dream conduit', a corridor to other worlds, dimensions, and realities that manifests itself in dreams, is something the very wise have long debated, with a relatively equal number of prominent personages supporting and rejecting the notion.

A dream conduit, if it exists at all, is said to take form inside the dreams of one whose existence is split among one or more worlds, dimensions, or realities.

The dreamer is able, via the conduit, to travel to and from the world of their actual material existence to times, places, and realities where their existence (while not always entirely material) is nonetheless entirely real.

It's often the case that events that take place in realities outside of the dreamer's actual material existence are either only vaguely remembered or forgotten altogether. These 'lost' memories are almost always recovered when the dreamer is active in the reality in which the memory was forged.

The realm of Zarathmor is an example of a reality that is, as far as anyone knows, accessible only via a dream conduit.

The 'Dreamgate' is a dream conduit often referred to both by those who claim to have visited Zarathmor and by various Zarathmorian denizens.

That is, of course, if dream conduits even exist.

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