The Tome of Attainment

This ancient and mysterious magical book is believed to have been created by a powerful goblin mage many centuries ago. It is also thought that several human spellcasters (most notably, Hurenon ) have since added their own enchantments to the legendary volume.

The thick tome is covered by two pieces of oak, bound together by loops of rugged rope.

Five square impressions have been carved into the tome's wooden cover in a diamond formation. Surrounding the impressions is an elaborate engraving that depicts a griffon, a dragon, and the blazing sun.

The tome rewards its possessor for his or her accomplishments and/or actions.

The rewards and opportunities the tome provides to its bearer are many, but the full extent of the book's powers is not likely to ever be known.

Recently, with the help of an unnamed accomplice, Tallys has "discovered" a way to duplicate the volume. He has vowed, however, to only make the tome available to those adventurers he deems worthy of possessing it.

It's rumoured that there have been several attempts made by various factions of goblindom (a few quite recently) to recover what they feel is an item that does not belong in human hands.

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