Quick Combat

The Quick Combat feature (available only to characters in possession of a quickstone ) allows for the rapid resolution of combats in which you're attempting to slay your opponent.

The Quick Combat option is not available in certain special combat situations or in non-lethal combats.

When you click the 'Run Quick Combat' option at the outset of a fight, the system will process the entire combat and without further interaction from you.

The system will only engage your enemy with regular melee attacks (none of your magic powers will be used, etc.), but special item actions and special skill actions (weaponry attack bonuses, for example) will still be employed.

If at any time your stamina points dip below 25% of your maximum, Quick Combat will be disengaged and you will be required to fight the rest of the combat manually (or flee wildly!). Be forewarned, however, that this safeguard does not guarantee survival in all combat situations. Quick Combat can result in quick defeat!

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