The Legend of the Ice Troll

According to this ancient legend, a fearsome troll-like creature, able to control the elements and turn the living into beings of ice is said to exist in a cave hidden somewhere high in the Felrundin Range .

The legend also tells of a band of Phiadonese pirates who escaped from their lawful captors in a blizzard while crossing the a perilous pass on the shoulder of a lofty peak, centuries ago.

It is said that the murderous pirates sought refuge from the raging storm in a cave near the top of the pass -- though it would prove to be a decision they would forever regret.

In the dark, icy passages of the cave the pirates are said to have come face to face with the ice troll. Those brigands who weren't killed outright by the mighty beast were turned into beings of ice and were doomed to forever guard the lair of their new and savage master.

According to the legend, the ice troll is immortal, and still dwells in the cave guarded by an entire legion of beings he has turned into living ice.

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